Since 1958, the American Library Association has sponsored and organized National Library Week to honor the importance of libraries in connecting people with information, each other and the community.
For WVU Tech, this year’s National Library Week is a special one.
“National Library Week is a time to celebrate how libraries have always played a role in the education of its users, whether student or public,” said Jewel Connell, director of WVU Tech’s Vining Library. “This week, for us, is a time we celebrate our role, or resources, our facilities, our services and all of our users.”
The last year has been a busy for WVU Tech’s iconic library. The school recently gained access to WVU’s vast library resources, including more than 300 online databases, and the library has undergone physical changes over the last few months, including new carpet, flooring, paint and a fresh new look and layout.
As part of the week’s celebration, the Library will host an open house on Tuesday, April 14 at 1 p.m. The event will allow visitors to check out the library’s new look and find out more about the many services the library offers to students, staff, faculty and the community.
“We are moving in the direction of becoming a learning and information center. We want to be more than a building with books, but an outpost for the campus and the community to gather, learn, socialize, and collaborate,” said Connell.
In addition to the Open House, the Vining Library will host Robert Maroney, author of “55 Graves” and “The Killer’s Handbook,” on Wednesday, April 15 at 6 p.m. with student music to follow at 7:30 p.m. The library will also host an open poetry reading on Thursday, April 16 at 6:00 p.m.
Throughout the week, visitors will be able to check out a Graffiti Wall of Reading banner, photos of the library before and after its renovation and art produced by students and local residents.
Visit the Vining Library website to find out more.