WVU Tech will host a public forum to announce progress on the University’s five-year Strategic Plan. The updates will include the first half of the first year’s progress on each initiative.
The forum, which is open to the public, will be held in the Engineering Auditorium on WVU Tech’s campus at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 10. Dr. Guy Vitaglione, Tech’s Strategic Planning Coordinator, will be presenting an overview of each initiative workgroup’s progress.
“Strategic Planning is a fluid process. Each of our initiative workgroups have made great progress, explained Vitaglione. It’s important that all constituents groups continue to be involved as we shape the future of WVU Tech.”
Updates for each of the Strategic Initiatives are available online. Vitaglione also maintains a blog and a Facebook page.
Dr. Scott Hurst, Campus Provost, commented, “I’m pleased with the progress our workgroups have made and am confident, that with everyone’s continued dedication, we will most definitely achieve our 2015 Vision for WVU Tech.”